BITS Pilani MS Dissertation experience

I went to BITS Pilani hyderabad campus, I had instructed by security guys who

told me room number for Viva attendance. I took 20 mins to locate the room :) as campus is very

big .

we need to fill attendance form, and will be given evaluation sheet from BITS

representative . we need to carry the sheet with us when we go for viva and handover to

professor. The BITS representative will collect the evaluation sheet given by your Supervisor + Additional examiner. so grade given by BITS faculty + grade given by your supervisor will be final result.

each student is assigned to a faculty member and time slot is arranged for each student.

Student need to carry his/her own laptop to give presentation (or demo if any ) as they cant trust

pendrive or CDs due to viruses.

my time slot was 11:30 am and faculty chamber number was given. so at 11:30 I went to
faculty room and met the Professor. I gave the context of my project and started presentation .

The professor raised few questions and I answered them . Luckily I
got a very cool professor who has good knowledge and expert in operating systems. so she
grapsed my project technical details easily.

After completing my presentation/viva, I gave demo about my project .

By 12:00 pm the process is over, and professor said that i can visit BITS campus and library. I just

roamed in campus for 1 hour and campus is awesome.

Again I took 15 mins to come out from huge campus :) .

Finally I completed my MS in 2012, which I started in 2010.

I Thank my guide Nathan Reynolds for his Ideas, my manager for giving me excellent grade

from his evaluation and finally my wife for not asking for outings when I was reading,

coding etc.

I thank my parents who funded for my 1st sem :) .


Anonymous said...

Congratulations for achieving it!!!! This is great!!!

Biswajith Adventure said...



Next I have dissertation in Hyderabad.. I need some more info from you..

will they provide internet access?

How many pages do we need to prepare dissertation... Can you please share yours....

Venkat Edara said...

Hi Biswajith,

I dont think they will provide internet access. I advice you to carry laptop and give demo about ur project. every member will be assigned one faculty member. we need to go to staff room and give demo .

for dissertation, atleast we need more than 50 pages I guess. it has to be bounded book. I assume u r specializing in Software Systems. so in dissertation you can have introduction,abstract,goal,design,usecases like that.

Venkat Edara said...

unfortunately i dont have soft copy of my project right now.

Biswajith Adventure said...

Hi Venkat,

Very thanks for your info... I got the sample document for dissertation.

One more query. How many slides do we need to prepare for presentation. I didnt get any sample for that also nothing mentioned from BITS.

Can you please share the ppt. so that it will very helpful for me.

Venkat Edara said...

sorry for late you still need the ppt now or done with dissertation?. you can have 10 slides in ppt tats enough.